hmm.. since 2007 has arrived, guess it's time for me to look back at what i had done for 2006!
i guess year 2006 had been a pretty "happening" year for me. aside from my liability (or whatever you call that), i would say i have done alot more stuffs than my peers.. and for that, i shall leave whatever things associated with my liability unmentioned =p
Windsurfing =)
I know i know.. probably quite a number of people had gotten their level 1 windsurfing cert long ago.. BUT.. I finally went for the cse! so to pple out there, jio me along for windsurfing!
Jap Lang!!
dunno what went into me.. i signed up for Jap lang course! was pretty interesting and i had lotsa fun learning the foreign language. and I was the only guy in class! =) my interest managed to sustain for ~5mths which got me to the intermediate level, and i signed up for the jlpt.. which i didnt take in the end.. =) For now, i had probably forgotten 60-70% of wad i learnt =S oh well, at least i still remb the basics which will come in handy when i tour japan!
We are drivers too!
got my license on 06 Jun 06.. unlucky day to some, but my star was definitely shining on that day! rmb it was raining super heavily when i started driving, couldn't really make out the road in front of my windscreen but my agaration skill got me through! =)
i know i look tootz
Taiwan 2006
hehez.. went taiwan in june! went with my family, relatives and my travelling kaki, my cousin! toured the whole of taiwan in a week.. was quite a rush but i immediately fell in love with the place! iirc, went taipei, kaohsiung, hualian, miaoli.. hehe must got xi men ding and taipei 101! bought quite alot of stuffs, ate alot of good food, and enjoyed myself!
Go Dive =p
yeap yeap i finally took up diving despite strong objections from my parents! i know i know.. i am medically unfit, but believe me, i will be fit n healthy in 3 weeks time! took up basic open water diving which wasn't easy to me at first. had trouble learning how to breath with my mouth underwater, or maybe it's probably cause i am hum! managed to learn how to breath and went for my maiden dive trip at pulau aur! after the trip, was "sabo-ed" by my dive school to feature on ST.. had free publicity and got weeks of teasing from all directions.. then took up advance open water diver course at tioman! had a not-so-fun experience this time round. .coz i puked twice.. once on boat and the other in water.. urgh! all else said, am a certified advance diver! when you guys wanna go diving, ask me along! =) I want to go redang in 2007! *big hint*

Bangkok =)
the beginning of december marks the start my clearing leave session and HOLIDAYS season! went bangkok fr 7-11 with 5 other 4i guys! all of us became shopaholics on this trip! bought lotsa stuffs, ate quite good food and most importantly, enjoyed ourselves! was definitely great going on holiday with them! known each other for min. 6 yrs and max 8 yrs! how good can it get?? oh well, we are thinking of taipei for year 2007, anybody wish to join?? haha
Shen Zhen-Hong Kong!!!
hehe.. shortly after my bangkok trip, went to shenzhen-hongkong with almost all the 29th oac guys and Mr TY! trip was from 17-24 (so u can imagine how short a time i had packing and getting ready!) our flight took us to hongkong, thereafter we took the train to shenzhen! we stayed in shenzhen from 17-22 and had yj as our guide to bring us around! toured the suburbs like huilai and shan tou before returning back to shenzhen. ate lotsa good food, enjoyed the cold weather and it was a fun trip! went back to hongkong on 23 and met up with those friends i made during our exchange programme!
the 8 of us
with my hongkong frens!
shortly after my return, went for 4I'02 chalet!!! had a great time catching up n seeing pple whom i haven seen for a long long time! and it was fun learning roller blading! playing cards, talking crap, watching movie, squeezing in a small room, doing nothing.. tt's life!

okiez! i guess tt pretty much sums up my very eventful 2006! boy, aint i happening?? haha hope 2007 will be as eventful or even better!
18 more days to freedom! wootz!