ha.. now that i am all well and back in Sing.. it really feels super good to be home! backpacking is shag loh! really shag! but there are perks being a backpacker lah.. dun have to follow schedule of the tour agency, can walk to many places, experience the culture of the country, interact with people from different countries =) i had spent ard 4.2k for my entire 17days experience, including air fare.. it's an okie bargain ba.. i think i had walked ard 40km thru-out this entire trip.. quite scary to think of it.. and i lost 1kg despite eating mac quite a no. of times!
my top 3 places are:
1. SWITZERLAND! (honeymoon can go there!!!)
2. Prague (pretty eastern europe country)
3. Vienna
visit europe wor! u guys will nvr regret!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Day 16 & 17 - Gothenburg
We slpt at Stansted airport, London on day 15 nite. was an interesting experience coz it's the first time i spent a nite at airport waiting for my next flight. being a budget airport, there were lotsa pple slping on the floor.. so it's not that easy finding a spot=) and i guess the staff there are really used to pple slping anywhere.. a souvenir i bought was "confisicated" when i was abt to board plane. was given the choice to check it in for 7 pounds or let them keep.. decided for the former as it's not worth the price=) reach gothenburg and slpt for quite a few hrs.. coz we were quite shag by then.. it's a nice, quiet city.. the air is fresh, there's no tall buildings and the pple are frenly =) good place for retirement=) but there isnt much to see there la...
me just waking up at stansted..
Opera house!
Shuang hor?
Going home!
waiting at airport!
Day 14 & 15 - London
The next 2 days were spent in London sight seeing.. went for the Sandeman free tour again! really walked quite alot this time round, and of coz saw lotsa beautiful monuments.. St Paul's cathedral, london bridge, tower bridge, shakespear's globe theatre, big ben, trafalgar square, buckingham palace, st jame's park, downing street, church of knight's templar and so on.. england's pretty much a tourist frenly place.. at least it's the only country where their native language is english! and not to worry, there are lotsa asians in london.. so u wun feel like a freak walking around in london.. however, the only thing bad about it is that things are really expensive, and being valued in pounds burns an even bigger hole down the wallet.. hehe
The Monument - to commemorate the big fire that burnt down old london
london bridge.. yeah it's this cui
St Paul's Cathedral =)
church of knight's templar .. if u have read da vinci's code
traflagar square =)
imperial house.. not really tt "wow"
big ben! it's not the tower but the bell inside tt's called big ben!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Day 13 - London
Day 12 was basicallly spent on shopping in Prague and taking plane to London.. so there's pretty much nothing to talk about =) Woke up, went to leicester square to buy tickets for musical.. we were lucky that it's saturday as matinees were only available on saturdays=) watched avenue Q =) quite an interesting musical with puppets and actors.. sth like sesame street but it's written in a satirical tone on some current social issues =) We were so lucky that it's Tour de France prologue! watched abit but there's nothing much to see anw.. went to buckingham palace to take photos before heading back to hostel =)
Day 11 - Prague
today.. we decided to make a trip to the prague castle! weather was super erratic, sunshine a moment ago and heavy rain the next.. castle was pretty nice, but not the most decorated castle in europe =) went to charle's bridge to take photo=) there's a total of 30 statues on charle's bridge, shows how much devotion to faith people give.. after that, walked to fred and george dancing housing; it's one of the must see building of europe =)
not a real human.. haha
quite a spectacular church..
one of the statues which everybody's trying to touch.. maybe it brings good luck? ha
dancing towers
Day 10 - Prague
Day started with us taking bus to Prague =) was a 4 hr journey and the ride wasnt tt comfy.. i hate taking long bus rides =) was feeling rather shag when we arrived at our hostel.. so just walked around the area and enjoy the scenery.. went to see charle's bridge, prague square, prague clock tower and basically tt's it! hehe.. short sight seeing day =) went back, still hungry from dinner.. played mahjong n cooked tom yum magee mee! so singaporean! anw.. prague's a pretty nice place too! beautiful! food's cheapest among the cities i went.. but still more ex than sing..
Charle's bridge and castle..
Entrance to Charle's bridge
famous clock tower..
Day 9 - Vienna
today was also spent in Vienna =) must always spend more time in beautiful places =) decided that we will travel on public transport today! went to the imperial palace.. was very beautiful but short of what i thought a palace will look like.. need to pay for almost everything so we ended up going those public places in the palace.. oh well.. it looks beautiful anyway! then we went on the hunt for Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss and Brahms graveyard. They were all gathered together at the same place and it turns out that the specific portion of the cemetry was dedicated to famous people of the country =) first ever visit to a cemetry.. so it gives me the creeps no matter what.. heeez =) then went to the world's oldest amusement park.. but din play.. went back and cooked dinner, save money mah..
now i know what it feels like to be king..
i like the reflections..
beautiful lavender!
can you see the rainbow?
Beethoven's grave..
oldest ferris wheel in the world =)
our dinner.. curry rice =P
Day 8 - Vienna
Day 8 begun with us arriving at Vienna from overnight train.. the train was darn expensive, 100 euros, and it's not even a sleeper but a 6 man couchette.. was super squeezer and it's like a triple decker of each side of the room with barely enough walking space in the middle. was assigned the top most deck, and i can hit my head when i sit up =( after dumping our backpacks, decided to walk around the area. vienna is actually a beautiful city=) with quite a no. of beautiful architecture and memorials of the famous big 5 musicians.. Brahms, Strauss, Beethoven, Schubert n Mozart =) went to visit one of their old government admin area and watched a pretty solid concert in the evening =)

Natural History Museum..

one of the most solid cathedral =)

this is how we dress for the concert.. look at the guys at the back.. that's the norm.. they must be thinking asians are paupers or ill mannered.. haha

Natural History Museum..
Artistic shot?
Yummy yummy??
one of the most solid cathedral =)
oldest church in austria, one of the oldest in europe.. majestic yeh?
this is how we dress for the concert.. look at the guys at the back.. that's the norm.. they must be thinking asians are paupers or ill mannered.. haha
national library.. nice hor? am raising my hands coz it's really cold at nite..
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