Day 8 begun with us arriving at Vienna from overnight train.. the train was darn expensive, 100 euros, and it's not even a sleeper but a 6 man couchette.. was super squeezer and it's like a triple decker of each side of the room with barely enough walking space in the middle. was assigned the top most deck, and i can hit my head when i sit up =( after dumping our backpacks, decided to walk around the area. vienna is actually a beautiful city=) with quite a no. of beautiful architecture and memorials of the famous big 5 musicians.. Brahms, Strauss, Beethoven, Schubert n Mozart =) went to visit one of their old government admin area and watched a pretty solid concert in the evening =)

Natural History Museum..

Artistic shot?

Cute hor?? (i mean the elephant)

hehe.. shhhhh!

Yummy yummy??

one of the most solid cathedral =)

oldest church in austria, one of the oldest in europe.. majestic yeh?

this is how we dress for the concert.. look at the guys at the back.. that's the norm.. they must be thinking asians are paupers or ill mannered.. haha

national library.. nice hor? am raising my hands coz it's really cold at nite..