Saturday, September 29, 2007
my dinner!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
From cambridge =)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
T-12h to departure
i cant help but look back at what i have done these few years. Have i made the right decision? It depends. Regrets? NEVER. I still feel happy over the fact that i am not bonded. There's no sense of remorse in me; for feeling bad about breaking the agreement. =) Cambridge? I guess it's still better than uiuc, no offence though. I guess right from the beginning, i had wanted to go overseas for studies, so that probably leaves nus out of the equation.
hmm.. i dunno wad i am typing.. shall go back to packing now.. urgh!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
of basketball and mahjongs..
then went to meet 4i guys for lunch.. had 2 admit was kinda sian diaoz that pple start pang sei-ing at the last moment. eh i aint tt free to go out everydae either.. i still got tonnes or admin, packing, preparation and reading up to do okiez.. but nvm.. boonz, js, tony, yx came! so it was a nice and cosy lunch.. js headed off for tuition while we went boonz' house 2 play mahjong! my last mahjong for the year in sing! and to make it even more special, it's with my 3 best frens! oh well! was fun to play with them! darn i will miss my best frens!! buddies for life!!
oh on a side note.. here's wad my student made for me... jellies! as a farewell =) sweet of them!

darn.. 2 more days to flying off.. i shld feel happy.. yet there's this gripping dear inside.. maybe fear of the unknown ba.. urgh!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Supper with oac =)
29th using candles! everyone better put this pic on msn!
我的热情...the gluttons!
darn i will miss 29th!
on a sidenote.. i got a letter frm def! dated 14 aug! and i received it yesterday! wonderful! oh well, it's a reminder to inform me of my responsibility as a ns man to apply for exit permit if i were to leave the country for more than 24hrs. aint it suppose to be more than 3 months? heck, came as a timely reminder to apply my exit permit for this loooong trip.. thanks to the 3G army, my letter was late for only a mth! (clap clap) if it was back in the olden days, i guess i would have probably forgotten abt applying exit permit. efficiency rocks!
Friday, September 21, 2007
name name!
my college parents are calling me zheng, which i suspect they will probably pronounce it as jeng.
oh my gosh!! urgh!!!
help me brainstorm..
pls dun tell me tangent way! =S
just being random..
Sunday, September 16, 2007
farewell frenzy!
Friday, September 14, 2007
surprise tt turned out not as expected..
then went to give surprise bdae celebration to our ah gal de.. ended up being stunned! she told me e wrong timing for dental and her dad was on the way fetching her! nice, funny n malu-ating dinner at fish n co! ha cute neo print too!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
my dinner..
shall end off with 2 quotes from his biography..
"In the long run, Linus Pauling the chemist will be remembered and Linus Pauling the man largely forgotten, but it was the man who made the chemist possible. "
"In his work on crystal structure, chemical bonding, and molecular biology, his very human personality quirks came together with his almost superhuman intellectual abilities, and the result was wonderful science"
Sunday, September 9, 2007
cumsa chalet =)
the few remaining survivors who stayed awake/half awake throughout the night =)
Friday, September 7, 2007
being random..
Thursday, September 6, 2007

in case i miss home! made it blur on purpose!
darn the pre-departure sadness has started to sink in..
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
meeting up =)
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
this feeling..
and today as i was walking up the chinese high slope near the swimming pool, i saw 相思豆! occurred to me that i nvr gave 相思豆 to anyone b4 nor had i picked them! coz i nvr believed in them =) anw i still picked up 2 of them =) maybe it's not the object tt lets u think about something or someone, but the meaning behind the beans =) hmm.. shall continue picking 2 相思豆 whenever i go back hc, or if i ever had a chance =) who knows i will give them 2 someone else next time! darn.. i think i am homesick even before i leave home. gonna get depression le la..
my 相思豆