not in mood 2 write..
ha.. sying n my last supper with oac! 5 guy, 5 gals make up a pretty cosy group! ate at bedok 85 and played lantern at bedok reservoir! fun, nice, cosy!
my surprise present!
29th using candles! everyone better put this pic on msn!
we look gay with lanterns!
我的热情...the gluttons!
darn i will miss 29th!
on a sidenote.. i got a letter frm def! dated 14 aug! and i received it yesterday! wonderful! oh well, it's a reminder to inform me of my responsibility as a ns man to apply for exit permit if i were to leave the country for more than 24hrs. aint it suppose to be more than 3 months? heck, came as a timely reminder to apply my exit permit for this loooong trip.. thanks to the 3G army, my letter was late for only a mth! (clap clap) if it was back in the olden days, i guess i would have probably forgotten abt applying exit permit. efficiency rocks!