went to this camb overseas trust reception. supposed to be welcome ceremony for pple like me.. under bursary! it's like am here for nearly a year alr.. duh! anw it turns out to be a eat n talk cock session. met up with a no. of sing, malaysian n hk peepz.. talk cock, eat aimlessly for ard 2 hrs.. untill GOH finally turned up. prince of wales.. yes prince charles.. he's in his usual attire n coat/shirt combi.. and the funny thing was that i just watch The Queen yesterday! the way the media portrayed him n the real series of events behind the whole hoohaa.. it's questionable.. but anw it's not like he has tt much *ahem* of a reputation anwa... and he is like some cAMP secretory gene.. he beats dictyostelium for sure! anw everyone tried to take his photo, shake his hand n wad not.. but i didnt.. too troublesome! so here's his pic!!

n this is wad i do when i am bored!
okie time to make up for the lost time!!! boohoo